How To Self Advocate With A Disability

Know your rights and where to get the latest information

6/21/20234 min read

black and gray wheelchair on beach during daytime
black and gray wheelchair on beach during daytime

Advocating for yourself as a person with a disability can be challenging, but it is essential to ensuring that you have the same opportunities as everyone else. There are many environmental obstacles and prejudices that people with disabilities face, but there are also practical solutions that can help you to overcome these challenges.

Environmental Obstacles

One of the biggest challenges that people with disabilities face is environmental obstacles. This includes things like inaccessible buildings, lack of accessible transportation, and lack of assistive technology. These obstacles can make it difficult to participate in everyday activities, such as going to school, getting a job, or going out in public.

Prejudices and Obstacles from Society

In addition to environmental obstacles, people with disabilities also face prejudices and obstacles from society. This includes things like negative attitudes, discrimination, and lack of understanding. These challenges can make it difficult to feel included and accepted.

Practical Solutions

There are a number of practical solutions that can help people with disabilities to advocate for themselves. These include:

  • Become familiar with your rights. There are a number of laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities. Knowing your rights will help you to advocate for yourself effectively.

  • Build relationships with people who can help you. This includes people like your doctor, your lawyer, and your case manager. These people can help you to navigate the system and to advocate for your rights.

  • Don't be afraid to speak up. If you are facing an obstacle, don't be afraid to speak up. Let the person or organization know that you are being discriminated against or that you are not being accommodated.

  • Get involved in advocacy groups. There are a number of advocacy groups that are working to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Getting involved in these groups can help you to learn more about your rights and to advocate for change.


Advocating for yourself as a person with a disability can be challenging, but it is essential to ensuring that you have the same opportunities as everyone else. There are a number of practical solutions that can help you to overcome the challenges you face. By becoming familiar with your rights, building relationships with people who can help you, speaking up when you need to, and getting involved in advocacy groups, you can make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others.

Here are some additional tips for advocating for yourself as a person with a disability:

  • Be prepared. Do your research and know what you want to ask for.

  • Be assertive, but not aggressive. Be clear about your needs, but don't be afraid to compromise.

  • Be persistent. Don't give up if you don't get what you want the first time.

  • Be positive. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

Advocating for yourself can be a daunting task, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who are willing to help you, and there are a number of resources available to you. With hard work and determination, you can overcome the challenges you face and achieve your goals.

  • National Disability Rights Network (NDRN): The NDRN is a network of legal advocacy organizations that work to protect the rights of people with disabilities. They have a website with information on a variety of topics, including legal rights, employment, education, and housing.

  • United States Access Board : The Access Board is a federal agency that sets accessibility standards for public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. Their website has information on the standards, as well as resources for businesses and individuals.

  • Centers for Independent Living (CILs): CILs are non-profit organizations that provide support and advocacy services to people with disabilities. They can help with a variety of things, including finding employment, accessing assistive technology, and participating in community activities.

  • Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF): DREDF is a national legal advocacy organization that works to protect the rights of people with disabilities. They have a website with information on a variety of topics, including legal rights, education, and employment.

  • : is a website from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides information on a variety of topics related to disability, including health, employment, education, and housing.

  • The Arc : The Arc is a national organization that advocates for and serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They have a website with information on a variety of topics, including support services, education, and employment.

  • AbleData : AbleData is a website that provides information on assistive technology. They have a database of over 100,000 assistive technology products, as well as information on how to choose and use assistive technology.

  • National Organization on Disability (NOD) : NOD is a national organization that works to create a more accessible and inclusive society for people with disabilities. They have a website with information on a variety of topics, including employment, education, and technology.

    National Organization on Disability (NOD) website

These are just a few of the many resources available to disabled individuals. By utilizing these resources, you can learn more about your rights, find support services, and advocate for yourself.